Globalisation has made it easier for traders to import goods into the country at the expense of local industries. In Kenya the Jua kali industry has been adversely affected by the business of importation which has seen the performance of the industry sharply decline. This study sought to establish the effects of imported products on the performance of locally produced goods by small scale metal work enterprises in the economy. Moreover, the study was guided by two theories: Schumpeter’s theory of economic development and the export base theory. The study targeted small-scale metal enterprises which were estimated to be 160 businesses in Kamukunji Market. Out of this, a sample of 120 respondents was arrived at using the Cochran formula. Data was collected by the use of structured questionnaires which contained closed ended questions. Descriptive analysis including frequencies, percentages and cross tabulations, was used to summarize and organize quantitative data. The collected data was then summarized, coded and analysed quantitatively and presented in tables to draw inference on the research questions. The study arrived into various conclusions; notably the consumer attitude and perception of imported products is overwhelming good as compared to that of local products. It also emerged that local industries lacked elaborate structures to pursue marketing and research and development activities. Moreover, key stake holders such as the government should facilitate the growth of the industry by lowering the cost of doing business and providing financial incentives to encourage the growth of the business.
KEY words: Jua Kali, Performance, Consumer
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