The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of project risk management on performance of health systems Digitalization projects in public hospitals in Nyeri County of Kenya. The study used a descriptive research design and targeted sixty five (65) hospital departmental heads from all the five (5) Public Hospitals in Nyeri County. The study targeted all the five public hospitals in Nyeri County and targeted all the sixty five (65) departmental heads. Primary data was collected using questionnaires which were dropped and picked later by the researcher. Secondary data was obtained from corporate handbooks such as hospital’s strategic plans as well as a perusal of the financial statements of the hospitals. Descriptive and regression analysis were conducted with the aid of SPSS. There was a significant relationship (F=0.360, P=0.012) between risk management and project performance. Risk management had a strong positive correlation (r=0.899) with project performance. Approximately 80.10% of the variation in the project performance (the dependent variable) was explained by variability in the independent variables. Project risk identification (p=0.032), project risk analysis (p=0.043), project risk response planning (p=0.032) and project risk monitoring and control (p=0.022) were all statistically significant. Project risk identification (β =0.768) was found to the most affecting. It was concluded that project risk management was key to influencing the level of project performance. The study recommended training of staff at all levels on different aspects of project risk management to enhance project performance.
Key Words: Project risk identification, project risk analysis, project risk response planning, project risk monitoring and control and project performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.795
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