The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational learning and organizational culture. The study investigated 3 Non-Governmental Organizations based in Nairobi County; a sample 84 respondents were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. A descriptive research design was adopted to determine the relationship among the variables. The specific objectives of the study were: to explore the culture of Non-Governmental Organizations; to analyse the impact of organizational culture on organizational learning and to understand the importance of organizational culture and organizational learning in the Nairobi based NGOs. The findings indicated that all the dimension of the organizational culture affects the different perspective of organizational learning. Research also indicated that most of the employees agreed that there was concrete knowledge sharing among groups, and the results further showed that these organizations support organizational learning (M=4.16), the results also attributed that the same mean of (M=4.07) agreed that concrete knowledge sharing among individuals in these organizations support organizational learning, While (M=4.07) of the employees agreed that commitment in an organization support organizational learning. The findings also indicated that a mean of 4.03, agreed that employees are nurtured from their organizational culture and that openness to new ideas is also supported (M=4.00), that employees have effective time allowance for reflection (M=3.96). On the same way, it was indicated that employee participation in decision making is also promoted for organizational learning purposes (M=3.91), a mean of 3.64 of the employees agreed that appreciation of their differences in their organizations also supports organizational learning while a mean of 3.13 indicated that they did not agree with the notion that their organization is not fully committed to nurturing organizational learning.
Keywords: Consortium, Culture, Learning, Knowledge, Organizational performance, Nairobi (Kenya)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.841
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