Strategic business plan and its implementation are the “heart and soul” of any business organization and operation. A business strategy plan is a game plan that management uses to stake out market position, conduct its operations, attract and retain customers, compete successfully and achieve organizational objectives. After formulation, strategies need to be implemented otherwise they will become useless to the organization. The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing strategic plan implementation in non-governmental organizations in Kenya. Specifically, the study focused on the extent to which organizational leadership and organizational culture affect strategic plan implementation in non-governmental organizations in Kenya. This study would be significant to the management NGOs in Kenya as it would assist them formulate and design appropriate mechanisms to identify and overcome challenges in implementing strategic plans so as to achieve the set goals, objectives and remain relevant in the ever changing environment and position the NGOs strategically for success in the future. This study adopted descriptive research design and targeted non-governmental organizations in Kenya. To attain a sample size that had a sufficient size qualified to the goals of the study, the researcher adopted Yamane’s formula to attain sample size of 52 NGOs of the target population of 702 NGOs. The main data collection instrument that was used in this study was questionnaire. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used for data analysis whereby Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 21.0) was used to run descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages.
Keywords: Organizational Leadership, Organizational Culture, Strategic Plan Implementation
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.864
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