
The general objective of this study was to examine the strategic synergies on organizational performance in electricity generating companies in Kenya. The specific objectives of this research included; to establish the effects of strategic alliances and to determine the effects of strategic mergers on organizational performance in electricity generating companies in Kenya. The target population comprised of 300 respondents. The study adopted descriptive research design. A sample of 122 respondents was drawn from the target population using stratified random. The study grouped the population into strata. From each stratum the study used simple random sampling to select respondents. This study applied a stratified random sampling technique. The researcher used both secondary data as well as questionnaires as the research instrument to gather the relevant information needed to the study. The questionnaires were both open and closed ended to respondents who were not limited to give their opinion regarding the study at hand. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part was mainly on the demographics which enabled the researcher to get demographic information of the respondents, while the other was to evaluate the study variables. The questionnaires were designed to reflect the main objective of the study. Quantitative research was used to provide numerical measurement and analysis.  Survey questionnaires were used for standardization purposes. The questionnaires were pilot tested, to authenticate its reliability and validity before it was administered in the final study.  

Keywords: strategic alliances, strategic mergers, organizational performance

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