Logistics management approaches in conjunction with process management principles constitute the right way of enterprise management. Logistics enables the connection of the supply base and the marketplace through the coordination and management of various activities. The general objective of the study was to determine Factors Influencing Logistics management in the energy sector in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to evaluate the Influence of distribution strategy on logistics management in the energy sector and to examine the Influence of storage facilities on logistics management in the energy sector. The target population was 112 employees of Kenya Power headquarter in Nairobi. The study adopted stratified sampling design. Using stratified sampling design, a sample size of 88 respondents was taken. The study used Primary data which was collected using administered questionnaires. The data obtained was descriptive that was analyzed using SPSS package. The conclusions of findings was that there is significant relationship between logistics management in the energy sector in Kenya by focusing on infrastructure, government policy, distribution strategy and the storage facilities on logistics management in the energy sector in Kenya and recommendations was that infrastructure, government policy, distribution strategy and the storage facilities are vital on logistics management in the energy sector in Kenya.
Key Words: Distribution Strategy, Storage Facilities, Logistics Management
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.876
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