The aim of this study was to establish the effects of tendering process on services delivery in road construction sector in Kenya. The target population of the study was 196 employees of KERRA The sample frame included the employees defined by their departments. Data collection instrument used was the questionnaires. The pilot test was conducted to ensure the validity and reliability of the instruments. The findings were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 21) and presented using windows 8 Microsoft office (version 2014). It was notable that there exists strong positive relationship between the indepedent variables and depedent variable. Procurement planning is usually the first stage of procurement process and therefore organization need to develop the skills of the employees on developing quality procurement plans based on the approved budgets. The study recommended that the organization need to identify the most appropriate procurement methods to enhance service delivery. There was need to have an open tendering to increase the needed experience and qualified tenderers, lead to fairness and transparency in the tendering process. The study recommended that there was need for organization to create and maintain a good relationship with the contractors. There should be a mutual trust between the contractor and organization. There was need to enhance regular communication with the contractor and timely management of possible problems in the contract. The study recommended that the organization control and manage contract changes efficiently by ensuring that the contractors are paid in time. There should be regular communication between the organization and contractor. The organization should ensure that the contract terms were well adhered to and final reports always well maintained.
Key Words: Procurement Planning, Tendering Method, Supplier Selection, Contract Management, Road Construction
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.911
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