The main purpose of the study was to explore the influence of supplier relationship management on performance of grain milling firms in Nairobi City County Kenya. Descriptive research design was employed and the targeted populations of the study were the 165 employees of the grain milling firms in Nairobi City County. The study showed that there was a positive relationship among variables. The study portrayed a strong positive relationship with Supplier Collaboration, Supplier Contracting, Supplier Relationship, Supplier Development. The study found that 71% of the effects in the performance of the Grain Miller firms in Nairobi County were explained in the model through the factors under consideration leaving 29% of the effects unexplained. This implied that there could be other factors/forms of supplier relationship management influencing the performance of Grain Miller firms in Nairobi other than the ones already investigated on. The study indicated that increasing Supplier Collaboration with a unit, holding other factors constant increase in performance of the Grain miller firms by 0.284. Similarly, a unit increase in Supplier Contracting holding other factors constant would lead to a decrease in performance of the Grain miller firms in Nairobi by -0.256. The study therefore recommended further studies on other forms of supplier relationship management apart from the ones already, that influence the performance of the Grain miller Firms in Nairobi. The firms top level management role in the Grain milling firms was also recommended to be researched on to find out how they influence the production performance of firms in Nairobi. The researcher also recommended a further researcher on the factors influencing the market sector as a result of the fluctuations encountered in profit, market share as well as in the sales of products in Nairobi Grain miller firms.
Key words: Supplier Contracting, Supplier Collaboration, Supplier Relationship, Supplier Development, Grain Milling Firms
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