
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of public awareness strategies on public participation in the implementation of devolved projects in Kakamega County. The study used Descriptive method. The study population comprised 600 residents of Kakamega County from six sub counties. SPSS version 22 was used to analyze quantitative data. The study results indicated that the current public awareness strategies used by Kakamega County were ineffective. Most respondents felt that they had low access to information. Participants felt that there was no proper governance structures put in place to help them participate in devolved government projects. Most of the respondents also felt that electronic media did influence citizens’ participation in the implementation of devolved projects in Kakamega County, although the use of old media like radio did not yield maximum results. The study also found that roadshows played a big role on citizens’ participation in the implementation of devolved projects in Kakamega County. Respondents felt that there was no room for feedback when information was announced. To ensure effective public participation in devolved projects, Kakamega County should: Publicize all its proposed projects in the relevant materials and media that can be quickly and widely accessed; Carry out civic education; set up a desk at every sub county, ward, and village offices with people who can engage the public and keep them informed of all the planned projects; use modern-day media tools such as Facebook to sensitize the public; and come up with new strategies on how to conduct on-ground road shows. Therefore, the ineffectiveness of the current public awareness strategies calls for the adoption of strategic public awareness techniques to increase public participation in devolved projects.  

Key Words: Access to Information, Participation, Governance Administrative Structure, Electronic Media, on-ground road shows, Devolved Projects

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.939


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