This study sought to establish the determinants of successful completion of donor funded projects at the Kenyatta National Hospital. This study adopted a descriptive research design that used a census. The target population of the study consisted of 15 donor funded projects at KNH and collected data from 86 project officers. There was a response rate of 79.07%. Data were collected by use of a self-administered questionnaire. The data were digitized, coded, stored and analyzed using SPSS version 2.0. The study established that project teams ensured that stakeholders’ needs were addressed; work was broken down to smaller manageable components for efficiency. However, challenges arose regarding detailed description of the projects and major deliverables and the strategies they put in place to manage the scope of projects. In general project scope management positively contributed to the successful completion of projects. Project resource management was conducted through budgeting, project schedules and plans and budgetary controls to ensure that money was spent appropriately. However, projects were not completed on time and financial auditing and reporting were not frequently conducted. Further, modern technology had not been embraced. In general resource management improved project completion. On stakeholder management project teams accurately and promptly reported to all stakeholders on project progress and ensured that opinions and rights were respected. However, the needs and constraints of all stakeholders were no carefully explored and factored in project implementation. Generally, project stakeholder management positively contributed to the successful completion of projects. Regarding project donor conditionalities the study established that that donors provided funding depending on the governance of Kenyatta National Hospital. Generally, donor conditionalities positively affected successful project completion.
Key Words: Project Scope, Project Resource, Project Stakeholder, Donor Conditionality, Project Management
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