The study sought to examine the effect of interpersonal relationships on secretaries’ productivity, to establish the influence of workplace environment on secretaries’ productivity, to determine the influence of superior-subordinate relationships on secretaries’ productivity as well as to examine the influence of organizational factors on relationship between workplace stress and productivity of secretaries in Kenyan public institutions. The main focus of the study was University of Nairobi. The population of interest was 102 secretaries working at University of Nairobi’s Main Campus and three of its constituent colleges. The study employed a descriptive research design. Relevant literature was reviewed in relation to the objectives of the study. Both probability and stratified sampling techniques were used based on the respondent’s designations. Primary data was gathered by use of self-administered questionnaires scored on a Five-Point Likert Scale while secondary data was collected through document analysis. Validity of the instruments was established by assessment of questions by experts who were senior secretaries at University of Nairobi as well as pre-testing and carrying out a pilot study at Kenyatta University. Data was analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics. A good response rate of 92.2 was experienced. The results indicated that workplace environment had a positive effect on secretaries’ performance followed by interpersonal relationships, superior-subordinate relations and finally the organizational factors. The study exposed general lack of secretaries’ participation in in decision making within departments. It was concluded that workplace stress had positive significance on secretary’s productivity. The recommendations were that workplace stress variability needs to look into with a view of managing the variability as this had affected the overall secretary’s performance. It was recommended that dialogue should be encouraged to reduce conflicts among secretaries and co-workers; they should be allowed to participate in decision making. The findings of the study might useful to the immediate institution involved in the study as well as other public and private universities in Kenya. The finding and recommendations may also be useful to university managements and administrators of both the public and private organizations.
Key Words: Interpersonal Relationships, Workplace Environment, Superior-Subordinate Relationships, Organizational Factors, Workplace Stress
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