This study sought to establish the relationship between job characteristics and performance of teachers in Public Primary Schools in Kakamega East Sub County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design in which 289 teachers were sampled from public primary schools in Kakamega East Sub-County. The study adopted simple random sampling to obtain respondents from the study population. Study data was collected using a standard questionnaire. Validity of data collection instruments was ascertained using a pilot study while reliability was ascertained using test-re-test method. Study data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 23 for windows. All statistical measurements were performed within 95% confidence interval. The study found a statistically significant relationship between job characteristics and teacher performance in public primary schools in Kakamega East Sub-County. The study recommended that school management should ensure that school environment is conducive for teachers to ensure intrinsic motivation and satisfaction with their jobs. This can be achieved by ensuring that there are adequate teaching and learning resources as well as offering incentives to teachers and rewarding them for good performance.
Key Words: Job Characteristics, Autonomy, Feedback, Teacher Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.992
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