Strategic Management, Business Management, Human Resource Management, Public Relations, Procurement, Entrepreneurship, Development Studies.

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management seeks articles related to Business Management, Human Resource Management, Procurement, Public Relations, Entrepreneurship and Development Studies among others.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Copyright and Restrictions

Strategic Journal of Business and Change Management allows the articles author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions. 

The journal also allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without any restrictions.


Article Processing Charges (APC)

This journal charges article processing charges (APC) of US Dollar 100 ($100) Per article published. 

Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management does not have article submission charges. Its free to submit articles.


Journal Indexing (Metadata Harvesting)

Strategic Journals© uses Open Journal System. It therefore adheres to the OJS Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, which is the emerging standard for providing well-indexed access to electronic research resources on a global scale.

The contents of this journal is indexed within a globally distributed system of research databases;

- Google Scholar

- Crossref


- Web of Science


Journal Impact Factor

The Impact Factor for this journal is 7.5.


DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

All articles and issues published under this journal are automatically assigned with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and deposited to Crossref.


Vol 11, No 3 [2024]Vol 10, No 4 [2023]Vol 9, No 4 [2022]Vol 8, No 4 [2021]Vol 7, No 4 [2020]Vol 6, No 4 [2019]Vol 5, No 4 [2018]Vol 4, No 4 [2017]Vol 3, No 4 [2016]Vol 2, No 2 [2015]Vol 1, No 2 [2014]
 Vol 11, No 2 [2024] Vol 10, No 3 [2023] Vol 9, No 3 [2022]Vol 8, No 3 [2021]Vol 7, No 3 [2020]Vol 6, No 3 [2019]Vol 5, No 3 [2019]Vol 4, No 3 [2017]Vol 3, No 3 [2016]Vol 2, No 1 [2015]Vol 1, No 1 [2014]
 Vol 11, No 1 [2024] Vol 10, No 2 [2023] Vol 9, No 2 [2022]Vol 8, No 2 [2021]Vol 7, No 2 [2020]Vol 6, No 2 [2019]Vol 5, No 2 [2018]Vol 4, No 2 [2017]Vol 3, No 2 [2016]  
  Vol 10, No 1 [2023] Vol 9, No 1 [2022]  Vol 8, No 1 [2021]Vol 7, No 1 [2020]Vol 6, No 1 [2019]Vol 5, No 1 [2018]Vol 4, No 1 [2017]Vol 3, No 1 [2016]   

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