The aim of the study was to establish how strategic management practices influence entrepreneurial orientation. To this end, a number of Kenyan private universities were sampled in order to establish how strategic management practices such as strategic planning, strategic execution and also strategic evaluation influence entrepreneurial orientation. Theoretical underpinning for the study was guided by both Resource Based View as well as a Dynamic Capabilities Theory. The study employed both stratified as well as purposive sampling techniques. Primary data was used in the study where the instruments of data collection comprised of semi structured questionnaires as well as focus group discussions in order to collect quantitative and qualitative data respectively. Sample size for the study was N = 98. Reliability of the research instrument was measured by use of Cronbach’s 15α"> = 0.79 and hence met the conditions of reliability at the conditions of reliability. Data was presented by use of both charts as well as tabulation. Data was analysed by use of both in descriptive and inferential statistics. Multiple linear regression analysis was used for analysis of quantitative data while content analysis was used for qualitative data. The regression coefficients for the model of the study was 15β1"> = 3.221, 15β2"> = 1.311 and 15β3"> = 0.882 for strategic planning, strategy execution and strategic evaluation all of which were statistically significant at 5% level of significance. The findings of the current study were aimed at providing insights to organization especially in order to harness the power of entrepreneurial orientation in order to bring about growth in organizations by bringing in strategic management practices.
Keywords: Strategic planning practices, Entrepreneurial orientation
CITATION: Muraguri, C. W. (2018). Strategic management practices and entrepreneurial orientation among private universities in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 5(4), 2156 - 2169.
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