Total Productive Maintenance is a maintenance strategy that aims to overcome the production losses caused by equipment inefficiency. TPM improves production output by increasing not just the sheer quantity produced but reduces the production cost and delivery date. In the food industry, the production process requires the non-stop operation of automatic production line equipment. For sustainability in the market, the factors like product quality, availability and costs are critical. The sector employs about 14% of the total employees in Kenya and had contributed about 10% to the GDP over the past 3 decades. Therefore, this study aimed to establish the effect of total productive maintenance on manufacturing performance of food and non-alcoholic beverage firms in Nairobi County. Specifically, the study sought to establish the effect of equipment optimization and strategic employee empowerment on manufacturing performance of food and non-alcoholic beverage firms in Nairobi County. The study used descriptive research design. The study targeted population and included all the 43 Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverage manufacturing firms in Nairobi County registered members of KAM 2018. The target population for this study was the entire population of 43 Food and Beverage manufacturing firms which were registered members of Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) 2018. The unit of observation comprised operations manager and maintenance managers. Hence, the target population of this study was a total 86 individuals. The study used primary data that was collected using a structured questionnaire. The data was analysed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Mean, frequencies and percentages were used to present the descriptive statistics while correlation and regression analysis comprised the inferential analysis. The study findings were presented through tables. The study findings revealed that both equipment optimization and strategic employee empowerment have a positive and significant effect on manufacturing performance of food and non-alcoholic beverage firms in Nairobi County.
Key Words: Total Productive Maintenance, manufacturing performance, food and non-alcoholic beverage firms, strategic employee empowerment and equipment optimization
CITATION: Ojanga, M. M. O., Muteshi, D., & Okello, B. (2019). Effect of total productive maintenance on manufacturing performance of food and non-alcoholic beverage firms in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 748 –762.Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1130
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