The main objective of this research was to investigate the influence of ICT strategies on performance of Kenya Railways Corporation. The specific objectives were to establish the influence of ICT systems and processes, ICT infrastructure, ICT service delivery and ICT support staff on performance of Kenya Railways Corporation in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study was anchored on Resource Based View theory, McKinsey 7s Model and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population consisted of 250 employees of Kenya Railways based at the Headquarters in Nairobi. The unit of observation was both the management staff and the support staff in the organization. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 75 respondents whereby a 30% sample was taken from each stratum. The study collected primary data through a questionnaire which was administered through drop and pick method. The questionnaire was first checked for validity and reliability. The validity was checked by subjecting the questionnaire to a panel of peers to assess whether each measurement question in the questionnaire was essential, useful or necessary. Reliability of the questionnaire was tested through Cronbach’s alpha test. The collected data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics included means, standard deviation and frequency distribution while inferential statistics entailed a regression analysis to establish the relationship between the study variables. The analyzed data was presented using pie charts, bar charts, percentages and frequency tables. The study found out that that KRC had adopted ICT systems to help manage its operations. The ICT systems influenced the performance of KRC to a great extent. The study also found out that KRC had put in place ICT infrastructure which enhanced efficient running of ICT solutions and service delivery in the organization, which eventually led to improved organization performance. The study recommended that there should be increased training of the staff on the use of ICT tools in the organization.
Key Words: Organization Performance, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ICT Systems and Processes
CITATION: Mutua, J. N., & Muthimi, J. (2019). Information and communication technology systems and processes strategy and performance of Kenya railways corporation, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2471 – 2482.
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