The current research sought to determine the influence of monitoring and evaluation on performance of building construction projects by construction firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study specifically sought to establish the influence of the human resource capacity of the M&E team, Monitoring and Evaluation Planning, Stakeholder Participation and the application of the M&E results on performance of building construction projects by construction firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Descriptive survey design was used and based on a survey of the construction building projects in Nairobi County. The study focused on the projects being conducted by the 5,948 companies registered in the NCA building works category in Nairobi County. Krejcie and Morgan’s method was used to determine the sample size from the target population of 5948 building construction firms under study. A sample of 361 firms was established. The unit of observation was the lead project managers of the building and Construction Firms registered by NCA in Nairobi County. Structured questionnaires were used in data collection. Significance of the independent and dependent variable was tested through multiple linear regression model. Data analysis was through SPSS v.24 and the findings were presented in form of tables. From the analysis, M&E positively and significantly affects project performance. The study recommended construction firms to use project teams with high experience, competence and required skills. Construction firms should consider M & E Budgetary considerations, baseline surveys, determine the M&E systems and frequency. The study recommended stakeholder involvement of employees, community members, government and project beneficiaries in the planning of the M & E systems for improved project performance. Use of the M & E results enables the management to identify the variation of the projects from the project management plan and facilitates the management in making strategic decisions regarding corrective actions.
Key Words: Human Resource Capacity, Planning, Stakeholder Participation, Monitoring And Evaluation Application
CITATION: Omunga, L., & Gitau, R. (2019). Influence of monitoring and evaluation on performance of building construction projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 480 – 496.
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