Change is inevitable and may hold the key to organizational survival and success. However, success in implementing the required changes is far from assured, with many organizations reporting very disappointing results given the cost and turmoil caused by the changes, thus a need arose to study the effects of Strategic Change on Organization Performance. The general objective is to examine the effects of strategic change on organization performance, a case study of Capital Markets Authority, Kenya. A descriptive survey research design will be undertaken with the target population will be all the staff of CMA, Kenya. Stratified sampling will be used to select a sample size is 30% of the target population. The data is to be collected by use of structured questionnaire which will consist of closed ended questions. The data collected will be edited, coded and classified based on similarities and then tabulated. Data presentation, computation of frequencies in tables, charts and bar graphs will be widely used. The results of the correlation analysis show that there is a positive correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable. In the regression analysis R squared of 60% is considered significant therefore results of show that there is a positive correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The recommendations of the study include having change leadership, adopting a change process, training and reward system.
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