
The success of any organization depends on the ability of managers to provide a motivating environment for its employees. The challenge for managers today is to keep the staff motivated and performing well in the workplace. The manager has to know the behaviour of each employee and what might motivate each one individually. By understanding employees' needs, managers can understand what rewards to use to motivate them. The goal of most companies is to benefit from positive employee behaviour in the workplace by promoting a win–win situation for both the company and workers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which motivation affects employee’s productivity in the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya. Specifically it focused on the effects of career development, training opportunities, compensation and performance appraisal on Organizational performance in the Kenyan Government Ministries. This study was conducted on the Ministry of Agriculture technical staff, whose deployment is nationwide, and has the responsibility of delivering the agricultural extension service, to the largely small scale and pastoralist farming population of the country. The study was descriptive as the respondents only described the phenomena, but was not involved in any manipulation of the variables. The target population constituted 150 technical staffs at the headquarters. Samples of 110 Ministry of agriculture technical staff were selected based on simple random sampling method. Primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire contained both open and closed ended questions so as to pick the open views of the respondents, yet confining them within the objectives of the study. A pilot study of 11 questionnaires was conducted to detect the correctness and the freedom from error of the questionnaire as well as the ability to collect the purported information. The data was analyzed using the SPSS package Version 22.0. Simple descriptive statistics was used to illustrate the various qualitative and quantitative factors that were conceptualized to influence the performance of the technical staff. The results were tabulated in form of frequency tables, pie charts and bar-graphs to capture the number of responses to a particular variable in each determination. Further, the study adopted correlation and regression analysis at 5% level of significance to determine strength and direction of the relationship of the variables under study. The analysis showed that employee training had the strongest positive (Pearson correlation coefficient =.851) influence on organizational performance. In addition, employee compensation, career development and performance appraisals are positively correlated to organizational performance (Pearson correlation coefficient =.753, .644 and .525).The study established that the management of the organization did not properly plan and manage career programs for employees who work in different job categories. The training they receive has not improved their commitment to the organization and affected their job performance. The study also recommends that performance appraisals should help to identify the weak areas of employees so that feedback would help them to improve their performances. Therefore, a similar study could be done with a different organization as a case study. Also, different variables could be chosen that are different from the ones used in this study for the generalization of the findings of this study.

Key Words: Employee Motivation, Organizational Performance

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