This study investigated the influence of project manager’s competency, project cost overruns, project financing structure and project lead time on timely completion of county road construction projects in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study was based on descriptive research design and targets prequalified contractors in Kakamega County, county public works officers Employees in Kakamega County, Transport and Infrastructure department, Contractors’ technical staff, Government civil engineers from National Construction authority, Kakamega region, who were stratified and selected by simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 24, where descriptive and inferential statistics was computed. Both descriptive and inferential statistics showed that all of the study’s conceptualized independent variables (project manager’s competency, project financing structure, project cost overruns, project lead time) significantly influenced timely completion of county road construction projects in Kakamega County (dependent variable). The study concluded that one; competencies of a project manager such as client’s managerial capability, professional/work experience in road construction projects, manager’s technical competency significantly influence timely completion of road construction projects. Secondly, a well stipulated and authorized project financing structure can really boost timely completion of road construction projects; and three; effective management of project cost overruns in terms of good construction site management and quality material supplies/control can significantly influence timely completion of road construction projects. The study recommended that one; road construction companies must employ competent and experienced project managers to enhance timely completion of road construction projects; two, to effectively manage project cost overruns, project managers must ensure there is secure construction site management and quality material supplies/controls to guarantee timely completion of road construction projects; and lastly, to effectively control long project lead time construction project managers must ensure high construction material delivery rates, short duration of critical paths, shortened time frame for delivery of orders, rectifications, payments or claims so as to enhances timely completion of road construction projects.
Key Words: Manager’s Competency, Project Cost Overruns, Financing Structure, Lead Time
CITATION: Onenga, L. M., Miroga, J. & Otinga, H. N. (2020). Determinants of timely completion of road construction projects in Kakamega County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(2), 311 – 326.
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