The general objective of the study was to determine the influence of strategy implementation factors on the performance of the NHIF, Machakos county branch. The variables studied included organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational leadership and organizational resources as they influence the performance of NHIF, Machakos county branch. The study was anchored on four theories, namely organizational culture theory, organizational leadership theory, Hagin’s Eight Model and the Resource based view theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey study design. The target population comprised 30 staff members in Machakos county NHIF Branch. In this study 26 of the respondents returned their questionnaires dully filled. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect the data required for analysis. The research instrument was administered by the through email and analysed using SPSS. From the study findings the study established a positive significant relationship between all the strategy implementation factors and the performance of the NHIF Machakos County. The study findings established the existence of and a significant correlation between organizational structure and strategy implementation. The findings established a positive relationship between organizational leadership and strategy implementation. The study also established a positive significant relationship between organizational culture and strategy implementation. Lastly the study found the existence of a highly significant positive correlation between organizational resources, strategy implementation and organizational performance. The study concluded that NHIF needed to get rid of the culture of inefficiency and promote the culture of employee involvement in decision making and improve on resource allocation timelines and adequacy. The study further recommended that NHIF should align its organization structure with its organization strategy for improved performance. The study also recommended that NHIF should adopt a wide span of control in its management practice in strategy implementation for improved performance.
Key Words: Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Organizational Leadership, Organizational Resources
CITATION: Lenayapa, E. N., Muhoho, J., & Muia, P. (2020). Influence of strategy implementation factors on organizational performance: A case of National Hospital Insurance Fund, Machakos County Branch. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1318 – 1337.
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