Employee performance is critical in organizations hence need to become more and more concerned about how to increase productivity through effective employee performance. There must be an equitable balance between the employee’s contribution in terms of employee performance to the organization and the organization’s contribution to the employees in terms of reward for effective performance. This study therefore sought to analyze the influence of non-monetary reward on employee performance at the Lake Victoria South Water Service Board (LVSWSB) in Kisumu. Specifically, the study sought to examine the influence of recognition on employee performance in LVSWSB. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Sampling technique applied was census since the population was manageable. The instrument of data collection was the questionnaire.The statistics for descriptive and inferential analysis done resulted from use of the computer software (SPSS version 24). Chi-square test statistics revealed that Recognition has an influence on employee performance. In conclusion, recognition has direct impact on employee performance. The study recommended that management of LVSWSB should encourage, recognize and reinforce achievements and outstanding performance from the members of staff. The study as well recommended for further research on the variables using other methods and different organizations.
Key words: Recognition, Performance
CITATION: Ondhowe, F. A., Kadima, J. M., & Juma, D. (2021). Influence of recognition practice on employee performance at Lake Victoria South Water Services Board in Kisumu, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 650 – 661.
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