The general objective of this study was to investigate the influence of organizational strategies implementations on sustainability in community based organization in Kakamega. The study was grounded on stakeholder’s theory, theory of reasoned action, diffusion of innovation theory and goal setting theory. The study used correlational research design. The study targeted community based projects in Kakamega County. This study adopted quota sampling, a non-probabilistic sampling method in selection of the respondents. Primary data was collected from respondents directly using self-administered structured questionnaires (closed ended questions). Data collected was edited, cleaned, and coded; and then SPPS version 24 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to summarize data using frequencies and percentages while inferential statistics was computed; that is, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis was computed to find out whether there is correlation and linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables. From inferential analysis, the four null hypotheses were rejected implying that strategic focus, technology adoption, human resource utilization and resource mobilization strategies significantly influenced sustainability of community based organizations in Kakamega County. The study therefore concluded that of organizational strategies implementations significantly influenced sustainability in community based organization in Kakamega. The study recommended that management of community based organizations should develop a clear long-term strategic focus of the CBO, rally support and commitment from the members to believe and pursue the strategic direction fervently and translate the generalities of the vision into specific targets for all divisions in the CBO. This would ensure Community based organizations are able to implement human resource utilization, resource mobilization as well as appropriate technology adoption thereby achieving institutional, programmatic as well as financial sustainability.
Key Words: Strategic Focus, Technology Adoption, Human Resources Utilization, Resource Mobilization
CITATION: Muloi, J. M., & Juma, D. (2021). Influence of organization strategies on sustainability of community based organization in Kakamega County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 710 – 728.
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