
This study investigated the determinants of project performance, A case of One Acre fund projects in Kenya. The study specific objectives were to examine the influence of Project leadership, project financing, monitoring and evaluation and beneficiary involvement on project performance of One Acre Fund in Kenya. The study used the following theories in supporting the research variables; stakeholder theory, resource dependency theory, system theory and complexity leadership theory. A descriptive research design was used in the study. The study targeted 397 respondents. Stratified random sampling was used to select 124 respondents. The study used primary data which was collected using structured questionnaires. Pilot test was conducted to test validity and reliability of data collection tools. Descriptive and inferential analyses were done by the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 23) and were presented through figures, tables and charts. The findings established that there is significant positive influence of project leadership, project financing, monitoring and evaluation and beneficiary involvement on project performance of One Acre Fund in Kenya. The resulted postulated that the four independent variables, significantly predicted variance in project performance of One Acre Fund, Kenya. The study concluded that improvement in project leadership, project financing, beneficiary involvement, monitoring and evaluation would results to improved project performance of One Acre Fund. The study recommended that management of One Acre Fund projects should place more resources in cultivating good and quality leadership for the benefit of the projects. Management of OAF should also carry out financial resource planning to ensure that financial resources are adequate for the operation of the One Acre Fund projects. Enough resources should be allocated so as to have the funds availed at the right time and be in the right hands in order to have the monitoring and evaluation processes a success.

Key Words: Project leadership, project financing, monitoring and evaluation, beneficiary involvement

CITATION:  Odaba, P. S., & Otinga, H. (2021). Determinants of project performance, a case of One Acre Fund Projects in Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 954 – 972.

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