This study focused on the relationship between Human Resource Digitization and Employee Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Bauchi State. The study used a cross sectional design involving managers, supervisors, unit heads and employees of 2 selected banks in Bauchi Metropolis. The population of the study comprised of 120 employees from these selected deposit money banks. A sample size of 94 was adopted through the Krejcie and Morgan table and the simple random technique was used. After data cleaning, only data of 78 respondents were finally used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Empirical results confirmed that there is a positive significant relationship between human resource digitization and employee performance. The study confirmed that human resource digitization significantly related with the measures of employee performance (innovativeness and timeliness). The study concluded that human resource digitization has a positive and significant relationship with employee performance. The study recommended that MDAs should take advantage of the trending electronic and virtual training and development to improve up innovativeness and the timeliness in service delivery. With the current realities of Covid 19 and the new normal organizations in general and Deposit money banks in particular should invest more in to digitalization of its HR processes. They can do this by outsourcing to organizations that are specialized in this regard.
Keywords: Employee Performance, Human Resource Digitization, Innovativeness, Timeliness
CITATION: Muhammad, S. M., Mohammed, F. A., Baballe, S. U., & Jimoh M. A. (2021). Human resource digitization and employee performance of deposit money banks in Bauchi State, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 115 – 125.
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