The study was set to find out the impact of training on customer satisfaction. Regulatory change, slow economic growth and tightened margins, banks today are increasingly focused on their most important stakeholders (their customers). The study aimed to identify the gaps in training on customer satisfaction and address the challenges during need assessment. The study was based on two objectives which entailed adequacy customer satisfaction training and timeliness of customer satisfaction training. The study involved collecting data from sampled employees and finally comparing all of them. Data collected was analyzed using quantitative nature and qualitative nature using S.P.S.S. (Statistical package for social science).Quantitative data was analyzed using percentages and measure of central tendency. Qualitative data analysis was based on the open ended questionnaire to reveal in-depth information about the research variables. The findings were presented using tables and graphs. The study found that the training offered was inadequate. It was found that the training timeliness of customer satisfaction training was based on the bank needs which the bank closely connected to evaluation of employees instead of looking at the performance appraisal of employees. Lastly the banks ought to invest heavily in customer satisfaction training through funding so as to improve individual and organization performance. The study therefore recommends another study be done with an aim to investigate the explored role of training on customer satisfaction in Kenya Banks.
Key Words: Training, Customer Satisfaction, Banking Sector
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