
This study determined the effect of procurement contract management on performance of select County Governments in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: To determine the effect of contract cycle, contract execution, contract relationship and contract monitoring on performance of select County Governments in Kenya.  Descriptive research design was employed to collect data from the respondents.  The target population was 564 employees from select County Governments in Kenya. Strata sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 234 employees from the departments, administration, procurement and supply chain management, finance and accounting who represented the entire population under study. A carefully crafted questionnaire was employed to collect data. Collected data was processed and analyzed using inferential and quantitative statistics through the use of SPSS version 22 and with the aid of Microsoft excel. Multiple linear regression model was used to show the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables. The pilot study reliability result indicated that all Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients were above 0.7, implying the research instruments were reliable. The response rate was 85%. The study findings revealed that contract cycle, contract execution, contract relationship and contract monitoring have positive and a statistical significant relationship with procurement performance in selected County Governments in Kenya .The study recommended that the county governments should, harness their skills in contract cycle process through a continuous training, should be clear and precise on what their expectation entails, improve on their communication mechanism and should continuously keep updating their key performance indicators to cater for any dynamics that may be experienced. The study further recommended that studies should be done using different variables such as technology, political and environmental and in other areas such as non-governmental organizations.

Key Words: Contract Cycle, Contract Execution, Contract Relationship, Contract Monitoring

CITATION: Batetah, R. K., & Wabala, S. (2021). Effect of procurement contract management on performance of select county governments in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 208 – 227.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i3.2039


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