This study examined the influence of ICT infrastructure on implementation of a centralized offsite datacenter for backup within the national government specifically, the state departments and their respective agencies and parastatals. Findings from various sources indicated that most administrative units within the national government were slowly embracing the need for a data backup system that is secure, efficient and reliable. However, due to the failures of well-formulated strategies at various phases of the implementation process, the establishment of these datacenters remained a difficulty. The study was guided by the resource dependency. It adopted a descriptive survey design and targeted the population of 142 datacenter staff in the 24 selected government ministries, agencies and parastatals. Proportionate stratified random sampling method was used to select a sample of 85 datacenter staff from the 24 selected datacenter projects in the national government. Data was collected from the sample using structured questionnaires and analyzed using percentages, frequencies, means, standard deviation, and the multiple linear regression techniques. The findings revealed that ICT infrastructure had a statistically significant and favorable impact on COD implementation in the national government. The study recommended that to improve implementation of COD, there is a need to improve infrastructure.
Key Words: ICT, Data Centres, Data Security, Data Management, Scalability
CITATION: Gicheru, G. N., Omwenga, J. Q., & Mose, T. (2022). Influence of ICT infrastructure on the implementation of a centralized offsite datacenter for backup within the national government. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 87 – 97.
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