The main goal of this study was to find out how electronic procurement for MRO products affects the performance of Kenyan county governments. As a result, the study's main goal was to look into how electronic procurement for MRO products in Kenya affects the performance of the county government there. The study used a cross section research design to meet the overall goal and test the study hypotheses, so it used this type of design. Three hundred and seventy-nine people were chosen at random from each of the 47 counties using stratified sampling. The first information came from procurement professionals. At the end of the day, 342 questionnaires were handed out. Senior procurement officers from 47 countries filled out the questionnaires on their own. It looked at the effects of electronic tendering, electronic order processing, electronic material management, and electronic supplier management practices for MRO products on the performance of county governments in Kenya. The descriptive statistics used to look at the data included frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, which were then used to make figures and tables that show how the data was organized. Relationship analysis was used to find out how strong electronic tendering, electronic order processing, electronic material management, and electronic supplier management practices for MRO products were on county government performance in Kenya. The nature of these practices was also looked at. County government performance in Kenya changes 66.3 percent of the time. The rest of the percentage can be explained by things that aren't in the model, like electronic tendering, electronic order processing, electronic material management, and electronic supplier management practices, which aren't in the model.
Key Words: Electronic Procurement, E-Material Planning, Warehouse Automation
CITATION: Lore, P. A., Omwenga, J. Q., & Ndolo, J. (2022). Role of electronic material management practice adoption for maintenance, repair and operations products on county government performance in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 123 – 134.
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