Kenya's primary source of foreign exchange is tourism. Policymakers are losing ways of successfully encouraging growth, capacity building and improving the beneficial impacts of income meetings and tourism as a complex business, without information on its linkages to other sectors of the economy and how it is strategically marketed. In order to be successful in targeting meeting incentives conferences and exhibition tourism, market players in enhancing this industry in Nairobi County must distinguish themselves in a proper and appropriate manner from their rivals and continually position their services in customers’ mind. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of innovation strategy and performance of meeting incentives conferences and exhibition tourism in Nairobi City County Kenya. Resource based view theory and game theory were used to anchor the study. The study adopted a descriptive research. The target population was 348 of employees from all the cadres of meeting incentives conferences and exhibition tourism Centre in Nairobi City County Kenya. To choose 104 respondents from the target population, a stratified simple random sampling approach was utilized. The data for the study was collected using structured questionnaires. To augment the original data, secondary data was employed. With the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Science, descriptive and inferential statistics was utilized to analyze quantitative data. Percentages and frequencies were included in descriptive statistics. Correlation and regression analysis were employed in this study to determine the effect of continuous improvement and customer focus on performance of meeting incentives conferences and exhibition Tourism Centre in Nairobi City County Kenya. Data findings were presented in tables. The results indicated the maintenance of product innovation in tourism industry was done regularly. The amount of innovation in place has tremendously aided the MICE in putting initiatives into action and that adoption of technology cuts costs of operation and increases on returns in the Hotel industry. The study showed that the system of continuous improvement and innovation management were important determinants of MICE tourism performance. On this basis, the researcher came to the conclusion that innovation had a significant influence on organizational performance. The Study further recommends that the MICE tourism Centre should in the Hotel industry should focus on utilizing modern technology in marketing their products as well as innovative service delivery.
Key Words: Innovation Strategy, performance, meeting incentives, conferences and exhibition tourism
CITATION: Makelo, N. S., & Makhamara, F. (2022). Innovation strategy and performance of meeting incentives conferences and exhibition tourism in Nairobi City County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 444 – 453.
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