The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of E-Tendering practices on supply chain performance of the County Governments of Western Kenya. The study applied a descriptive research design and the target population comprised of senior officers of all the five counties in western Kenya namely; Kakamega, Busia, Vihiga, Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia. Census Technique was applied on the entire population since it was small and manageable. The Questionnaire was used for the Data collection as an instrument. Pilot study was done on the County Government of Uasin Gishu; Kenya, hence this enabled for testing of the reliability and validity of the research instrument. The study descriptive and inferential statistics was analyzed by use of SPSS software version 24, further; a regression equation model was developed to test the relationships between the variables. Frequencies, percentages, mean scores were used to analyze the data with the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The results of model revealed that electronic Tendering practices had a positive influence on supply chain performance of the County Governments of Western Kenya. The study concluded that electronic Tendering practices enhance supply chain performance in the County Governments. The study recommended that County Governments should ensure and adopt the application of E-Tendering modules in order to reduce procurement process time, costs and errors. Further the Government should institute policies concerning data safety to enhance the application of electronic Tendering practices between the buyers and suppliers in terms of improved contractual electronic procedures.
Key words: Electronic Procurement Practices, Electronic Tendering Practices, Supply Chain Performance
CITATION: Khasandi D., Kadima M. J., Miriga, J. (2022). Electronic tendering practices and supply chain performance of county governments of Western Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 763 – 778.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i2.2298
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