
While there is strong impetus by the Government of Kenya to involve the citizens at the grass root level in county development projects, the County Governments in Kenya seem not to abide by these rules as public participation is still very low and poorly done. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of citizen participation with respect to the performance of county development projects in Malava Sub-County, Kakamega County. This study adopted the stakeholder theory and sampled respondents comprising of project committee members and community members.  The study observed that information sharing had a significant effect on performance of development projects and recommended that management of public service institutions, especially in counties should maintain a moderate level of resource sharing with its members and make prudent decisions by sharing relevant information with stakeholders in order for initiated projects to remain viable and successful. 

Key Words; Information sharing, Communication

CITATION: Ogwel, M. A., & Eshiteti, S. (2022). Community information sharing and performance of development projects in Malava Sub-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 907 – 814.

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