This study sought to investigate the precursors to paperless automation projects at the Kenya National HIV Proficiency Testing programme. The study applied a descriptive research design since it was concerned with describing the characteristics of individuals as well as groups. This study got its sample frame from 130 staff of National HIV Proficiency Testing Centre in their office premises in Nairobi County. The study used a five-point Likert scale to develop the questionnaire to use along with two measures of central tendency, standard deviation and mean, to describe the data. The data was then examined using the SPSS to conduct regression analysis, descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results were then presented using graphs and tables. According to the results of the study, there is a strong positive correlation between each of the independent variables and the dependent variable. Additionally, the multiple regression model showed a strong relationship with the data associated with the variables indicating that it is a good predicting model. Further, the study found a statistically significant relationship between all the independent variables and the dependent variable. Lastly, the study found that Staff Competencies is the strongest determinant of Effective implementation of Paperless Automation Projects followed by Resource Planning, Technology, and Top management Support, respectively. The study concluded that the organisation needs to ensure the commitment of resources continuously until the project is completed to the satisfaction of clients, within the promised timescale, without exceeding the financial allocation and to the highest quality standards achievable. It recommended the involvement of all the key stakeholders in paperless projects in performing critical roles towards the attainment of project implementation goals.
Key Words: Resource Planning, Technology, Management, Competencies, Paperless Automation Projects
CITATION: Ndirangu M. M., & Wabala S. (2022). Factors affecting effective implementation of paperless automation projects in Kenya’s laboratory proficiency testing program. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 940 – 963.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i2.2311
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