ROSCA activities normally experience challenges and most of the organizations under ROSCAS are either failing or perform dismally global wise since participation in ROSCAS is costly and needs perseverance. Opportunity cost of time spent attending meetings and uniting members is another challenge, members also suffer from the risk of default from other members which could eventually lead to the breakdown of the ROSCA. There is a need to search on ways of promoting ROSCA Activities in Kenya to enable those who lives in an informal settlements to have something that they can count on and this is what prompted the researcher to assess the influence of financial investment decisions on registered rotating savings and credit associations’ performance in Siaya County Kenya with specific objective being; to establish the influence of Cash investment decision on performance of registered rotating savings and credit associations in Siaya County Kenya, the target population was 26 registered ROSCAs in Siaya County, the design adopted was cross-sectional survey, the data collection tool was questionnaire and the model for analysis was linear regression equation. The finding reveals that RASCOs need to diversify their investment portfolio if they have to realize the full maximization of the contributors’ wealth. There should be a proper advice on the areas of investment after carrying out due diligence on the potential investment avenues. Members should also be encouraged to participate fully on the investment decisions of their organizations. These are the forums that will enable them gain awareness on the key project that generate a good return.
Key Words: Cash Investment, ROSCA, Investments
CITATION: Onyango, K. O., & Omwenga, J. Q. (2022). Influence of financial investment decisions on registered Rotating Savings and Credit Associations’ performance in Siaya County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 178 - 189.
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