Globally, organizations experience a lot of changes in the growth of their business environment due to growing consumer awareness of technological advancement, quality, globalization, innovation, and intense business competition. Quality management, Preventive Management, Just in Time, and Six Sigma are the most considered quality improvement strategies of initiatives implemented in most organizations. Kenya has two-tier government levels: the National Government with devolved units known as County Government headed by the Governors. In terms of responsibilities and functions, County Governments are majorly responsible for initiating and managing infrastructural developments and service delivery at grassroots levels within counties. Quality Management (QM) is known to help organizations improve their service delivery to realize the effects on output. Clear strategies developed can enable the organization to continuously improve everything under their influence, both services and products. The conceptual framework considered for this study was based on the listed objectives: both dependent and independent variables. Quality goals that are stipulated in the implementation plans are prioritized to ensure that the set goals and objectives are realized. The most significant sound Quality Management element is the Quality Improvement process. It involves considering deliberate actions aimed at setting high-Quality standards (Huemann, 2004). In this research, a cross-sectional research design that helps decide the correlation of Quality Management Practices and County Government Infrastructural Projects Performance in Migori County will be embraced. This study targeted eight hundred and twenty (820) infrastructural projects planned as per the County Integrated Development plan 2018-2022. This research used non-probabilistic sampling. The purposive sampling technique was most appropriate during data collection from identified respondents who were directly assigned and were daily involved with infrastructural projects. The County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) contains the list of prioritized projects and thus provides the desired study list.
Keyword: Quality management, Quality Planning, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Improvement
CITATION: Owino, K. O., & Omwenga, J. (2022). Project management practices and performance of non-governmental organizations in Migori County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 582 – 595.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i4.2433
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