Government and private institutions all over the world greatly recognize the crucial role of service delivery in attaining a competitive and dynamic market. State-owned enterprises in the Energy sector are a major foundation upon which the economic, social and political development strategies are built on in order to actualize the vision 2030 as well as the big four agenda. They enjoy monopoly in provision of services to the public. However, despite reforms on public sector bureaucracy, the public still face many hurdles in accessing government service, the level of public dissatisfaction on service delivery is high and open government bureaucracy hasn’t led to quality and sustainable service delivery. In addition, politicization of appointments of Board of Directors translating to insufficient competence and legal frameworks which subtly are inclined to privilege a few at the expense of the entire public, have tainted government image. The target population was 124 suppliers, 5,107 end-user consumers, 1,817 employees in KPLC plus 480 employees in REREC and 30 employees in the Energy regulator (EPRA). A sample of 380 individuals/households was selected using a two-stage random sampling procedure comprising of proportionate stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Empirical data for this thesis were gathered using semi-structured questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the data collection tool was assessed to confirm the suitability of the tool for use in the study. Descriptive analysis a linear regressions and inferential analysis were conducted on the data set that had been gathered from the field. The findings demonstrated actor’s interest affects delivery of services. It was recommended that a policy framework be formulated for promoting activities relating actors’ participation. The board of management of the state-owned enterprises within the energy sector should initiate mechanisms for cushioning from disruptive interference of interest groups with potential to erode operational efficiency and ability to actualize service delivery outcomes.
Key Words: Actor’s Interest, Service Delivery and State-Owned Enterprises
CITATION: Chewa, J., Minja, D., & Njoroge, J. G. (2022). Effects of actor’s interest on service delivery in state-owned enterprises in the energy sector in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1664 – 1677.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i4.2516
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