The goal of this investigation was to ascertain how express highway construction project performance in Nairobi City County, Kenya, is affected by project planning. The target population was the 69 officers comprising of 7 road engineers from KeNHA, China Roads and Bridge Corporation Kenya, 17 road supervisors, 12 road inspectors, 28 road surveyors, and four sub-contractors. Due small and manageable target population, the study was a census. These people were the primary resources and in the best position to respond to questions regarding the performance of the Express highway road project. The sample size was chosen using a stratified random sampling. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to code and enter the data for analysis (SPSS). The different study variables were correlated using Pearson correlation analysis. The study's findings inferred that the majority of the respondents believed that the management of human resources plays a vital role in enhancing the effectiveness of road project. The provision of adequate materials had a favorable, significant influence on the performance of road projects. The study examined how financial resource planning affected the performance of express highway road project. The results of the study revealed that time management considerably and favorably influence project performance. The study concluded that the design and execution of human resource training and recruitment were consistent with the main objective. The study found that human resource planning considerably and positively affects how well road projects operate, if the staffs are well trained and competent the results are positive. The study concluded that material usage planning and time management have significant positive effect on project performance. The study concluded that financial resource planning has insignificant effect on road project performance. Therefore, finance planning was done material usage was not well planned and the staff did not have proper training hence a lot of mistakes.
Key Words: Project Planning, Express Highway, Time Management, Material Consumption, Financial Resource, Human Resource Planning
CITATION: Maina, J. K., & Gachengo, L. (2023). Road project planning and performance of express highway construction project in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 649 – 665.
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