The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of critical success factors on performance of CDF projects in Nakuru Town West Constituency, Kenya. Specifically, the study evaluated the influence of project planning, stakeholder involvement, project team training, project funding, and monitoring and evaluation on performance of CDF projects. The study was anchored on Stakeholder Theory, Resource Based View, Systems Theory and Complexity Theory. A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was employed. The 21 active CDF initiatives in the constituency were the study's target population. The research conducted a census study because the target population was tiny. Project managers for each project were the focus of the study. Targeting 5 project participants and community leaders for each project involved basic random selection as well. Consequently, there were 126 elements in all, including 42 community representatives, 63 project participants, and 21 project managers. A self-administered questionnaire with both closed-ended and open-ended questions was used in the study. In two ongoing CDF projects in Kenya's Nakuru Town East Constituency, a questionnaire was administered. Data from the questionnaire was examined using both descriptive and inferential statistics using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The survey findings were given in tables. The study established that project planning (r=.117), stakeholder involvement (r=.089), project team training (r=.523), project funding (r=.180), and monitoring and evaluation (r=.545) positively correlated with performance of CDF projects. The R2 value of 0.440 implies that 44% of the variations in performance of CDF projects can be explained by the independent variables. The study concluded that project planning, stakeholder involvement, project team training, project funding, and monitoring and evaluation influenced performance of CDF projects. The study recommended the need for enhanced project planning, mechanism for more youth and women involvement, timely funding, widening of training scope and independent monitoring and evaluation of CDF projects. The study may provide a basis for review and institutionalization of policies that promote effective utilization of the critical success factors and thus enhance performance of CDF projects. Finally, the findings may contribute empirical data that may aid in the development of theory and practice on effective performance of CDF projects in Kenya.
Key Words: Project Planning, Stakeholder Involvement, Project Team Training, Project Funding, Monitoring and Evaluation
CITATION: Suya, O. H., & Kiarie, F. K. (2023). Project success factors and performance of constituency development funded projects in Nakuru Town West Constituency, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 36 –55.
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