This study analyzed the effect of project scheduling management on performance of construction projects in Mombasa County, Kenya. The study targeted 175 contractors implement construction projects in Mombasa County. The contractors targeted were categorized as NCA5, NCA6, NCA7 and NCA8. This study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. Stratified random sampling method was used to select relevant respondents from across the board in the various categories of NCA contractors in Mombasa County. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data from respondents. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 26. From the findings, the study revealed that most contractors performed project tasks sequence to ensure effective use of resources. Also project managers finds the order of tasks that will take the least amount time. Further, the study found that constraints between tasks were taken into considerations and that the construction projects tasks are assigned baseline measures. Also project tasks are defined prior to construction commencement as most the respondents agreed and also the tasks of the construction projects are defined using sequencing tools. The study concluded that tasks dependencies of the project are effectively considered by the project leadership during project scheduling. Also Gantt Chart is prominently used by the project team to visualize project tasks dependencies and the construction projects task dependencies are well documented and that the critical path of the project task dependence is focused with resources. Also the schedule of the project tasks is communicated frequently to the project team and the communication of the schedule procedures is relayed horizontally stated and communication is centralized throughout the project life cycle as well as internal communication amongst the project team is always promoted throughout projects’ life cycles. The study recommended that project resources should be scheduled systematically before the commencement of the project construction. The construction projects should be equipped with knowledgeable human resources. This would improve on the project deliverables such as timeliness, within budget and quality. The technological resources should be deployed in the construction projects as well as provision of sufficient financial resources.
Key Words: Project Tasks Definition, Tasks Dependence Mapping, Scheduling Procedures Communication, Project Resourcing
CITATION: Mogoa, A. M., & Muchelule, Y. (2023). Project schedule management on performance of construction projects in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 582–603.
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