This study ascertained the effect of talent management practices on engagement of administrative employees in regional offices of the DCI Kenya. The study was significant to management of DCI, to the government and lastly to the other researchers. The study utilized descriptive research design. The target audience was administrative representative from 8 regional offices of DCI with a combined population of 864. The sampling design for the study was stratified random sampling, thus, a sample size of 86 respondents were involved. The Data collection instrument involved use of questionnaires. The data was quantitatively analyzed aided by SPSS software for data analysis to generate mean, std dev, percentage ratings and frequencies. The study utilized multiple linear regression model to assess the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. From the findings, the study established that talent attraction created opportunity for the organization to access employees who are innovative and full of creative ability needed to inject valuable ideologies for successful employee engagement to the organization. The findings showed that talent development strategies through training is achieved first by identifying training programs that matches the talents that needs to be developed into skills needed for the employees by specifying various skills that are affected and how they related to the employee engagement. Organizations that work to outperform their rivals in providing appealing employee remuneration, whether monetary or non-monetary, are more likely to retain highly valued, talented, and competent workers. The management of Department of Criminal Investigation should ensure that they enforce appropriate methods of identifying best talents among the existing staff or new recruits. This can be achieved by ensuring that those employees showing unique talents should be given best platform to put into use such talents. In talent development, by establishing training needs, the management can be able to establish the training resources available and number of work force that requires such training. The study recommended that in order to ensure that there is fulfillment of talent acquisition for employees, the policy makers and the management of Department of Criminal Investigation need to ensure that they create a solid talent acquisition strategy.
Key Words: Talent Attraction, Talent Acquisition, Development, Talent Retention, Employee Engagement
CITATION: Kariuki, J. W., & Wambua, P. P. (2023). Talent management practices and engagement of administrative employees in regional offices of the directorate of criminal investigations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1362 – 1379.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i2.2669
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