
Information and communication technology (ICT) increases productivity and operational efficiency, reduces costs, impacts on intangible assets such as quality improvement in design processes and inventory management. Organizations have embraced computer based information systems (CBIS) in their managerial functions of planning, coordinating, directing, controlling and decision making to improve on their organizational performance. However, several organizations have posted mixed results in their performance following the adoption of CBIS. Globally, the importance of CBIS in organizations can be best demonstrated by the amount of investment organizations put in on these technologies with worldwide spending reaching US$ 3.8 trillion in 2014 in hardware, software, IT services and telecommunications. In Kenya, the importance of CBIS has been experienced in several sectors including Safaricom’s M-Pesa money transfer platform which has been ranked as one of the best in the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of computer based information system on organizational performance in the aviation industry in Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The study population was Kenya Airways employees stationed at the company headquarters in Nairobi County. The study used a census approach to research and the target population was one hundred and forty four (144) employees of Kenya Airways Company. The main instrument of primary data collection was a self-administered, semi structured questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained from published sources such. A pilot study was undertaken and thereafter instruments were administered to selected sample of the population. The instrument was tested for validity and reliability. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used in the analysis of data with the assistance of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22. The outcomes of the study were presented using charts, tables. The recommendations made would be of benefit to the aviation industry, the Government of Kenya, academic researchers, banking sector. Kenya Airways Company will use the outcome of the study in a variety of ways to improve on their performance.

Key Words: Efficiency, Integration, E-Commerce Strategy, Communications, Organizational Performance

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