This study assessed the effect of strategic capabilities on the performance of private universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study research design was descriptive research design. The study targeted 6 private universities that were fully licensed and operative in Nairobi city county, Kenya. The respondents consisted of 125 employees working under planning and development/finance, administration services, deans and directors. Data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The findings showed that managerial capabilities had a positive and significant effect on performance of private universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya (β1=1.078, sig<0.05). The result showed that a unit change in technological capabilities resulted to positive units changes in organization performance in private universities in Kenya (β2=0.732, sig<0.05). The study concluded that technological capabilities had a positive and significant effect on performance of private universities in Kenya. A unit change in marketing capabilities resulted to positive units changes in performance of private universities in Kenya. The effect of marketing capabilities was the highest on performance of private universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya compared to other indicators used in the study (β3 =1.302, sig<0.05). The study concluded that marketing capabilities have a positive and significant effect on performance of private universities in Kenya. The changes in research and development had no significant effect on performance of public universities at 5% significance level (sig>0.05). The study concluded that R&D activities had insignificant effect on organizational performance. Based on the findings, The study recommended the senior management in the private universities to take a care role in ensuring team work, coordination of activities and effective communication. In order to improve knowledge, it was advised that private institutions concentrate more on technology advancement in the key areas of operation such as administration, teaching, planning, R&D, marketing and examination administration. It was suggested that private universities should adjust their brand position in the market to stand out from the competition and stay abreast of customer demands and requirements in order to increase performance.
Key Words: Managerial, Technology, Marketing, Research and Development
CITATION: Avedi, H. K., & Anyieni, A. (2023). Strategic capabilities and organizational performance of selected chartered private universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 417 – 437.
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