This study examines the dynamics of stakeholder engagement in the context of eye healthcare projects in Rwanda, focusing on the initiatives led by the OneSight EssilorLuxottica Foundation. Recognizing the critical role of stakeholders in the success of healthcare interventions, the research investigates how various stakeholders, including government health agencies, NGOs, local communities, and healthcare professionals, are engaged throughout the project lifecycle. The study employs a comprehensive approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to identify stakeholder interests, expectations, and contributions. It explores the impact of effective communication, inclusive decision-making, and capacity-building initiatives on project outcomes. Furthermore, the research delves into the role of adaptive management in responding to stakeholder feedback and ensuring project resilience. The research utilized both descriptive and correlational research designs for data collection, involving participants in the study. All respondents were 295 including 15 ONESIGHT staff, 200 Single person Project beneficiaries, 10 MoH Staff, 12 Eye Health hospitals Staffs and 8 Health centres. The study used both primary and secondary data collection methods. Primary data was collected using a closed ended five-point Likert scale questionnaire while secondary data were collected from published reports. The researcher employed a purposive sampling technique to choose respondents ONESIGHT staff and MoH Staff. The researcher used stratified sampling technique for selecting Single person Project beneficiaries relying on their eye healthcare status, eye impairments and visions. Eye Health hospitals and clinics and Health centres were selected purposively due to the types of eye healthcare projects implemented by ONESIGHT foundation. The data analysis process utilized SPSS 22.0 software. The information gathered from each questionnaire item and interview response were categorized and coded. Subsequently, the data were presented and discussed. The study employed a regression model to investigate the relationship between stakeholder engagement in project monitoring and evaluation and the performance of eye healthcare projects. The analysis revealed a statistically significant positive association between stakeholder engagement and project performance (β = 0.755, p < 0.001). The unstandardized coefficient (B) for stakeholder engagement was 0.663, with a standard error of 0.053. The constant term was also statistically significant (B = 1.557, p < 0.001), indicating a baseline level of eye healthcare project performance when stakeholder engagement is absent. The standardized coefficient (Beta) emphasized the strength and direction of the relationship, highlighting the substantial impact of stakeholder engagement on enhancing the overall performance of eye healthcare initiatives. These findings underscore the importance of actively involving stakeholders in project monitoring and evaluation processes to achieve positive outcomes in the context of eye healthcare projects.
In conclusion, the study demonstrates a significant and positive correlation between stakeholder engagement in project monitoring and evaluation and the performance of eye healthcare projects. The findings underscore the critical role of inclusive stakeholder participation as a key determinant in enhancing the success and effectiveness of eye healthcare initiatives, providing valuable insights for project managers and policymakers to optimize future interventions. Based on the robust findings highlighting the significant positive correlation between stakeholder engagement in project monitoring and evaluation and the performance of eye healthcare projects, it is recommended that the OneSight EssilorLuxottica Foundation and similar organizations prioritize and invest in comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategies to optimize the impact and sustainability of their initiatives. To enhance the effectiveness of eye healthcare projects in Rwanda, stakeholders should actively collaborate in the ongoing monitoring and evaluation processes, fostering an inclusive approach that integrates feedback, ensures adaptive management, and aligns interventions with the diverse needs and expectations of the key stakeholders involved. Future research could explore the nuanced factors influencing stakeholder engagement in eye healthcare projects, delving into the specific roles and perceptions of diverse stakeholders such as local communities, healthcare professionals, and government agencies, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play. Additionally, investigating the effectiveness of innovative technologies, such as telemedicine and mobile applications, in optimizing stakeholder communication, project monitoring, and evaluation within eye healthcare initiatives, would contribute valuable insights into leveraging technology for improved healthcare delivery and outcomes.
Keywords: Stakeholder Engagement, Eye Healthcare, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Performance, Rwanda, OneSight EssilorLuxottica Foundation
CITATION: Ndayishimiye, J. M., & Irechukwu, E. N. (2023). Stakeholder engagement in project monitoring and evaluation on eye healthcare projects performance in Rwanda. A case of Onesight Essilorluxotica Foundation. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1175 – 1190.
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