The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of inventory management techniques on procurement performance of public health centres in Mombasa city county, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive research design. The target population was 148 employees of 37 public health centers operating in Mombasa City County. The study adopted stratified random sampling technique to pick 108 respondents determined using Yamane’s sample determination formula. The study used questionnaire as main tool to collect primary data. Data was presented in the form of tables. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. The study findings revealed that inventory management techniques have a significant positive affect on procurement performance of public health centres in Mombasa city county, Kenya at p<0.05. This showed that upholding inventory management techniques would be essential in steering the procurement performance of public health centres in Mombasa city county Kenya. The regression model established that the R value was 0.754 while the R Square was 0.569 which indicated that the variability of the inventory management techniques on procurement performance of public health centres in Mombasa city county, Kenya could be explained by up to 56.9% of the model and the P-value was 0.000<0.05. This implied that the model was fit to determine the relationship between the inventory management techniques and procurement performance and therein make conclusions and recommendations. In the light of above findings, in order to have a full turn around in regard to performance of procurement function the study recommends that the management of public health centres need to ensure that effective inventory management systems, techniques and models are in place to achieve accurate inventory records so as to keep appropriate stock levels and avoid overstocking, stock out and rising inventory cost. The study also recommended the need to have automated inventory procedures and an effective inventory record management unit to ensure that the procuring entity has up to date inventory records.
Key Words: ABC Technique, Vendor Managed Inventory, Bar Coding, Inventory Review
CITATION: Kathuki, P. M., & Ndeto, C. (2023). Inventory management techniques and procurement performance of public health Centres in Mombasa City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1509 – 1533.
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