The primary goal of this inquiry is to understand how project management strategies influence the performance of Public Private Partnership Road infrastructure projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study focused on examining the effects of project planning, monitoring and evaluation, risk management, and stakeholder involvement on road project success. The target population was 11 PPP road projects comprising 99 road construction specialists. The census method was used comprising of 99 respondents. Primary data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires for both quantitative and qualitative data. The response rate of 83% was obtained from 82 respondents who returned filled questionnaires. In this research, data was descriptively and inferentially analyzed using percentages, means and standard deviations. Furthermore, correlations and regression analysis were conducted to establish significant relationships as well as influence of independent variables on the outcome variable. The study revealed that Project Planning (β=0.251) and Project Monitoring and Evaluation (β=0.206) significantly affected Project Performance. Similarly, Project Risk Management (β=0.213) and Stakeholder Engagement (β=0.416) substantially affect Project Performance. The study concluded that correct application of project management strategies is critical for project performance and success. It emphasizes the need for project team members to undergo project management training, ongoing monitoring throughout every project stage, and continuous data collection and analysis for improvement assessment. Technical requirements must be met for a project to yield measurable outcomes. The project team should remain vigilant about potential hazards that may impede successful completion, creating procedures to manage identified hazards. Stakeholder engagement is crucial for mutual understanding and respect of objectives, enhancing project execution effectiveness. The study recommends adherence to financial constraints, thorough monitoring of each project phase, routine data gathering, and examination for informed decision-making, implementation of a risk response plan to mitigate project risks, and continuous stakeholder involvement throughout the project's duration for success.
Key Words: Project Management Strategies, Project Performance, Infrastructure Projects
CITATION: Kakw’u, F. M., & Sang, P. K. (2024). Project management strategies and performance of public private partnership road infrastructure projects in Nairobi City-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 684 – 704.
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