This study examined the influence of psychological contract fulfillment and its effects on employee performance in the Kenya Police Service, Nairobi County. A descriptive research design was used. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods. Descriptive statistics as well as regression analysis were used to facilitate the examination of the relationship between the variables of interest. The findings indicated that perceived organizational support has a strong positive and significant correlation of 0.713 with employee performance. Also, organizational commitment has a moderate positive correlation of 0.305 with employee performance, though it is not significant. It was also found that organizational citizenship behavior has a non-significant moderate positive correlation of 0.531 with employee performance. Finally, it was found that organizational justice has a weak non- significant positive correlation of 0.088 with employee performance. Findings from the regression analysis indicated that relationships between the independent variables (perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational justice) and the dependent variable (employee performance) are not statistically significant, though the independent variables positively predict the independent variable. It was recommended that the Kenya Police Service in Nairobi County should enhance organizational support by improving communication, providing resources, and recognizing contributions. They should also foster commitment and loyalty through growth opportunities, fair promotions, and a sense of pride. To promote organizational citizenship behavior, they can reward conduct and create a supportive environment. Additionally, policies should be fair and just, achieved through transparent decision-making and addressing perceived injustices. Future studies should focus on longitudinal and comparative research to explore the long-term effects and sector-specific influences of organizational factors on employee performance in the Kenya Police Service, along with intervention studies to test strategies for enhancing these factors and improving organizational management.
Key terms: Employee Performance, Human Resource Management, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour , Organizational Commitment
CITATION: Sausen, A. L., & Gichinga, L. (2024). Psychological contract fulfillment and employee performance in the Kenya Police Service in Nairobi County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 868 – 888. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3124
Full Text:
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