This study aimed to evaluate the impact of pre-paid billing system strategies on customer service delivery within the organization. The study was guided by four specific objectives: to assess the effect of timeliness, ease of use, billing accuracy, and billing costs on customer service delivery in Kenya Power and Lighting Company. The research was anchored on three theories: the SERVQUAL Model, Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory, and Technology Acceptance Theory (TAT). The research design employed was a cross-sectional survey. The study targeted all 2,060 customers of Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited in the Uasin Gishu County Government. Stratified sampling was adopted to select customers based on their mode of use, resulting in a sample size of 335 customers. Primary data was sourced using a semi-structured questionnaire, which underwent validity and reliability tests to ensure its robustness for the study. Data collected was coded for input into SPSS version 28 software, facilitating the analysis of descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics, including multiple regression and correlation analysis, were employed. Data was presented in tabular form. The findings revealed that customers strongly perceived the timeliness, ease of use, billing accuracy, and cost-effectiveness of the prepaid billing system at Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited. These factors significantly contributed to enhanced customer satisfaction and service delivery excellence. Specifically, the study found that timely access to information, user-friendly interfaces, accurate billing practices, and cost-effective billing methods optimized customer service delivery. In conclusion, prioritizing these elements was crucial for improving customer satisfaction and service delivery. The study recommended that Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited streamline the reconnection process for prepaid meters, simplify the user interface of the billing system, ensure ongoing accuracy of billing processes, and expand the adoption of cost-effective electronic billing methods to enhance overall service delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction levels.
Keywords: Timeliness, Ease of Use, Billing Accuracy, Billing Costs, Customer Service Delivery
CITATION: Kiprop, K. V. & Wanjira, J. (2024) Pre-paid billing system strategy and service delivery by Kenya Power Lighting Company Limited, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 1335 – 1353.
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