
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of financing on the growth of Restaurants in Nyeri town: A survey of selected restaurants in Nyeri central business district. Financing as a factor is a major concern to entrepreneurs and the government. The research adopted a descriptive survey design involving the owners and staff of restaurants based in Nyeri Town. The population for the study was 70 respondents from the selected 14 restaurants that offer meals, drinks and accommodation. The researcher adopted census technique to collect data from the target population of the study. The data was collected by use of a semi-structured questionnaire administered through personal interviews. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data collected. Bar charts, tables, and pie charts are used for data presentation. Some of the major findings in this research include the fact that majority of restaurants are sole proprietorships and this may limit their finance accessibility from banks. The research concludes that finance has an influence on the growth of restaurants. The researcher recommends that the high number of sole proprietorships should be incorporated. This would improve financial accessibility as limited companies are more credible and they can easily acquire business loans.

Key Words: Financing, Restaurants Growth, Nyeri Town

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