Asinatu Janet Gamaliel


The River Nile is shared by 10 river basin countries also known as riparian states. It is the main vital water artery in the North Eastern region of Africa.  The river is fed by several tributaries originating from downstream states which join to form the might Nile the White Nile from the East Africa lake region and the Blue Nile rising from Ethiopia highlands, the main tributaries. The prevailing water policy regulating the distribution of water among the countries of the Nile basin is dictated by the Nile Treaty of 1929 signed between Egypt and Great Britain representing her colonies giving exclusive rights to Egypt for the use of the Nile and also the bilateral agreement of 1959 signed between Egypt and Sudan sharing the river flows volumes to the two states with Egypt getting the larger share. The study made use of extensive interviews with government officers, Non-Governmental officers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, politicians, key individuals and academicians and reviewed vast literature on the subject of study.

The study established that there are constraints in implementing international treaties and hence all main actors must work toward a common vision in order to avoid conflict.  Also that, there are no uniform formula to enforce the signing and ratification of treaties which guarantee that parties are bound by the treaty. The creation of institutions which are beneficial for all the riparian states, are key.  Institutional frameworks like the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), Steering committee meeting , Nile  Technical Advisory Committee and the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP), has seen member states cooperate beyond water issues to demonstrate belief through effective joint action.

The challenge for implementing international water treaty is on how to get parties on the negotiation table to ratify them. Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties States “A party cannot invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to carry out a treaty”. The policy adopted by the world community serves the goal of stability and change for states fundamental rights which are essential, absolute and self-evident.  To avert conflicts and long disputes associated with water and international water treaty, guidance is sort on sovereign equality of all member states on legal status.  Although it is easy to enumerate duties of states, it is very difficult to get them observed in practice. Treaties at best are only standards of conduct that states are enjoined to observe as a moral duty. 

Key Words: International Water Treaties, Nile Basin, Water Policy

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