The objective of this paper was to examine the financial health of banks listed and also not listed in the Nairobi stock Exchange, Kenya using the Altman Z score model of 2005.The CBK have the regulatory mandate to keep on check the financial health of banks considering that the Kenyan economy largely depends on banks. Following the many bank failures in Kenya, the CBK and the Kenya Bankers association have been pushing for improvement including transparency on commercial banks. Ever since the 2008 financial crisis, financial healths of banks have been a concern to corporate managers and other stakeholders. This study therefore applies Altman Z score, a multivariant financial analysis model to gauge the financial health of banks in Kenya. The ratios that form the model were the independent variables and they included Working capital to total assets and Retained earnings to total assets. Studies on applicability of Z score model appear rear/scanty especially on financial institutions and mainly focused on validity and effectiveness. This study used survey descriptive research design. The target population was the commercial banks in Kenya. The secondary data was extracted from audited annual reports and financial statements of banks’ respective websites and CBK for a period between 2010 to 2015. The annual financial statements included the statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial position. The collected data was analyzed using advanced excel program. In the analysis Multivariate Discriminant Statistical techniques as used by Altman 2005 was applied. Results indicated that during the period under study high percentage of Kenyan banks were on grey zone. Conclusions were made that Altman model was an average tool which can only be relied alongside other measure.
Key Words: Working, Retained Earnings, Assets, Liabilities
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